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Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

The Cornhole

A contraction of corn and hole, this traditionally American game now has a French adaptation with the Cornhole Academy brand. Scoring points by making bags fit into the hollow spaces of a large wooden board can now be done with products steeped in French know-how. Here's a look back at the success of an idea imported into 2020 by a man with a passion for games of skill and the great outdoors.

Dive into the world of cornhole

Called "pocket game" in Quebec, this convivial game, like möllky or pétanque, is accessible to all, whatever their age or physical condition. The principle is very simple indeed: throw a bag (filled with corn seeds, dried kidney beans or plastic granules) at a board with a hole in it.
Depending on the accuracy of the throws and the position of the bags in relation to the boards and the hole, points are awarded to the players, who have been formed into teams of two or four after a draw which also determines the choice of lanes.

More precisely, to win, you must:

  • Achieve exactly 21 points at the end of a round.
  • Have a two-point lead over the other participants.
  • Not accumulate penalties for premature bag tossing or crossing the foul line.

Cornhole Academy, the French brand reinventing this iconic game

It was during a trip to the United States in 2020 that Vincent, a French fan of games of skill and the great outdoors, discovered this simple, fun game.

Immediately seduced, he brought the idea back to France to introduce it to his friends and family, the first feedback having convinced him of the cornhole's potential to bring people together, as widely as possible.

Two years later, he launched Cornhole Academy, a brand combining tradition and innovation to share his passion and create a community of players.
They can then equip themselves with quality products: see the store specialized in the manufacture and sale of cornhole equipment.


Note: although often played outdoors, cornhole can also be played indoors, so you can work on your aiming skills whatever the season.


By importing this game to France, the creator of Cornhole Academy also decided to support Made in France, and to focus on quality:

  • The boards are made from materials that combine sturdiness and aesthetics.
  • Generally made of wood, they are smooth and measure 60 cm wide by 120 cm long, with a hole 15 cm in diameter.
  • The bags, filled with corn or resin balls, weigh between 430 and 460 g and measure 15 x 15 cm.
  • Each player has 4 bags of the same color.
  • The playing field is made up of throwing boxes, lanes and a foul line (with the boards located 8.20 m apart).

The Cornhole Academy brand is a story of personal discovery transformed into a thriving business and has also created a dynamic and inclusive community of players. Whether at official tournaments or just playing with friends and family, these enthusiasts now share memorable moments playing an American game... the French way :).

Valérie from Comme des Français



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