The French art of living has its website Live in France like the French

Who are we?


A rich editorial line

  • The different components of French art de vivre: gastronomy, heritage, art, luxury, know-how
  • Beautiful territories that deserve to be known
  • Numerous tourist nuggets (sites, activities...) to try out

Positioned as a digital influencer

  • A premium site for French and foreign visitors
  • A strong presence on social networks

A user-centric approach

  • Epicurean, artist, chic, gourmet, authentic: 5 ways to reach varied but complementary visitor profiles


A few figures

  • 22,000 unique visitors per month (x 2 in 1 year) on the site
  • 100,000 page views in 1 year (+ 96%)
  • Over 18,000 subscribers on social networks
    • 13,000 on Facebook
    • 2,200 on Instagram
    • 750 on X
    • 1,300 on Linkedin
  • Average engagement rate: 3.5%


Profile: epicureans looking for things to see/do/eat in France

  • Gender: women 60% - men 40% 
  • Age: 79% between 18 and 54 years old 
  • Origin:
    • France 53%
    • Europe 18%
    • North and South America 18%
  • Interests: gastronomy, travel, lifestyle, art, made in France



Need to attract new visitors/customers?
Promote your product or service?
Boost your online visibility (SEO/SEA)?


Comme des Français offers 3 types of sponsored articles (Native ad) for :

  • Effective: better brand identification (72% vs. 50), more views (52%) and purchase intentions (18%) than with Display.
  • Qualitative: non-pressuring, rich, long-lasting content.
  • Affinity: captive readers, relational editorial tone.

Would you like to find out more about our editorial kits? We'll be happy to give you a 15-minute video presentation on the strengths of Comme des Français media: 

The team


The Comme des Français media is an offering of the Mister Bing Bang communications agency.
Since its creation in 2019, it has been managed by :

Valérie Gauthier
Content Manager, she holds a Master's degree in Cultural Professions and practices the French art of living on a daily basis.

Georges Ragueb
Creative Director, he has been designing tailor-made communication campaigns for nearly 30 years and is passionate about history.

François-Xavier Luyce
A company director with 20 years' experience in communications and marketing, François-Xavier Luyce has a keen interest in France's tangible and intangible heritage.

They already trust us

Since its creation in 2018, Comme des Français has had the pleasure of accompanying these different tourist actors in the promotion of their territory: