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The Medieval Festival of Crèvecœur

With almost 10 centuries of history, this ancient fortress bears witness to the rich past of Normandy and its seigneury. Every year, the Schlumberger Foundation allows us to relive different episodes during its medieval events.

Immerse yourself in the spirit of the Middle Ages

Would you like to see knights from the past perform at the castle?

Join us every summer for knightly tournaments: equestrian jousts and foot battles to discover the fighting techniques of the time, as well as workshops and demonstrations to understand the history and culture of this ancient military order dedicated to feudal nobility.

Just as immersive, you can also explore in situ the theme of leisure in the Middle Ages through shows, dramatized tours and workshops. Cooking, hygiene, music...: thanks to actors and animators, the daily pleasures of our ancestors will no longer hold any secrets for you!

Scavenger hunt in the castle

Over the course of a few days, an entire week of historical re-enactment awaits the curious. Inhabited by some sixty people in 15th century costume, the castle is plunged back into the often violent history of the Middle Ages.

To illustrate the theme of Crime and Justice in this period, investigations are proposed and, through exchanges with the craftsmen and the search for various clues, all visitors are invited to solve the enigmas which, in the summer of 2024, will have "macabre dances" as their thematic thread.

Through these different summer activities, this castle built in the 11th century is rediscovered in a playful and immersive way by - in particular - families. An appointment not to be missed during a stay in Calvados. To schedule your visit, go here.

Valérie from Comme des Français


Discover these other historical sites to visit:


Crédits photo : Philippe Alès, François Hamm, Gregory Wait