During the First Republic Directory regime (1759-1799) new fashion trends appeared called the "Merveilleuses" and the "Incroyables".
The men were called the "Incroyables", with their effeminate manners, their only care in the world was in pleasuring themselves. As for the women, the "Merveilleuses", they dressed or underdressed in a Greek style. They wore tunics or free flowing antique costumes, mostly worn dampened, as to draw attention to their silhouettes, they showed no modesty.
They attended concerts, theatres and dances, the "Incroyables"and "Merveilleuses" lived in a whirlwind of frenzy, throwing themselves at all the pleasures of life, relieved to see the end of the period of Terror (period of the French Revolution, September 5th 1793- July 28th 1794).
It was because of this frenzy that Frédéric Vaucamps decided to name his stores "Aux Merveilleux".