The website for the lovers of the french lifestyle Live in France like the French


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

Max Vauché and the most gourmet of culinary arts

Lift the veil on the mysterious stages of transformation of cocoa beans into chocolate: this is what Max Vauché proposes to do in his large chocolate factory in the Loir-et-Cher region where he produces, in an artisanal way, the so popular delicacy. Choco'bar, guided tours and workshops are offered in this laboratory located between Chambord and Cheverny.


Chocolate, this essential ingredient of French gastronomy, is presented in all its forms in an exhibition of 400 square meters: origins, culture and creation process await the gourmets who will learn, for example, that Max Vauché uses only cocoa beans from Sao Tome and Principe, a small island country in Africa, whose economic development he thus contributes to. Once they arrive from the Gulf of Guinea in the Centre-Val de Loire region, the precious seeds of the cocoa tree are then transformed into smooth and tasty creations that can be tasted and purchased on the spot.

This living laboratory, the animations around the sharing of this expertise but also the attention given to the origin of the cocoa allowed Max Vauché to be rewarded with the national prize "Stars ans crafts" which encourages excellence, audacity and innovation and which is supported by the network of the Chambers of Trade and Crafts and the Banque Populaire.

Passing on


An initiatory journey on the tracks of this rare pearl that is chocolate: this is what Max Vauché proposes through guided tours. On the program: discovery of a reconstruction of the solidarity plantations of Sao Tomé and Principe, showing of a film and final tasting in the Choco'Bar.
In the heart of the Sologne, this "Laboratory of the Chocolate makers" also invites the most curious to start producing their own chocolate. Lollipops, coated marshmallows, candies or mini beggars: their production will no longer hold any secrets for you and, from 7 to 77 years old, you will also be able to learn how to cut out chocolate subjects or to make one of the Master craftsman's specialties.

After this gourmet dive to learn all about the dark, white or milk diamond, you can leave with your production and share, in turn, your taste for what the Aztecs considered a divine gift in the 15th century. To book your activity, go here.


Valerie from Comme des Français


Conquer other flavors that have been around the world with these articles:
- The most famous chili pepper
- A regional specialty from... China
- A great classic of French pastry


Photo crédit: ©MaxVauché