Enchanted objects, magical creatures, magical effects... For its first edition in 2022, the Portal Rock version of the wizarding school welcomed more than 13,000 fans of JK Rowling's literary saga who were able to take on the role of the most famous wizard. Just like at Hogwarts, students of all ages were able to marvel at the castle's authentic medieval banquet hall or discover the dormitories of each of the apprentice wizards' houses. In real settings made up in part of elements belonging to the historic monument (some dating back several centuries!), they were also able to see the teachers' rooms and classrooms of this school like no other.
This year, the experience will be even more magical with different activities proposed this summer such as "The Millendal competition" based on 4 spells (broom flying, archery in the forbidden forest, zolympus games and riddles in the labyrinths) or "The treasure crypt" which will invite the students to break the rule forbidding them to enter the cellars located under the castle...