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A tradition launched in the 1930s

Initially celebrated in the 1930s, the Rouen Conquérant Association works to revive this tradition every year. For its 24th edition, the Fête du Ventre et de la Gastronomie Normande will take place on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th October 2023 around the Place du Vieux Marché in Rouen.

Gourmet delights are celebrating!

Every year, dozens of local producers, restaurateurs and caterers come to share their expertise in a festive atmosphere. An ode to Normandy's gastronomy, the event features all the region's emblematic products: fruit and vegetables, cheeses, chocolates, spirits, seafood, charcuterie (including andouille sausage), wine, spices and herbs, including saffron and mustard...

A gourmet rendezvous that favours short circuits and quickly makes your mouth water! 

But it's not just gourmets who flock to the Rouen belly festival. If the event attracts nearly 150,000 visitors a year, it's also thanks to the organized entertainment that appeals to young and old, epicureans and the simply curious! 

To do on site

  • A visit to the Saint-Marc market with Bruno Bertheuil, the passionate chronicler of "Tous à table" on
  • Tastings at the stands of restaurateurs and producers
  • Varied entertainment with bands and brass bands
  • A nursery with animals from a mini-farm 

You can also learn about regional recipes using fresh local produce from the 160 gourmets taking part in the 2023 event.

The perfect opportunity to celebrate Rouen's nomination for the UNESCO "Creative City of Gastronomy" label.

See you on October 14 and 15, from 9am to 7pm, in the Vieux-Marché district (place du Vieux-Marché, place de la Pucelle, rue Rollon, rue Guillaume le Conquérant, rue aux Ours). 

Enjoy your gourmet stroll!


Auxane from Comme des Français 



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