The French art of living has its website Live in France like the French


Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

A know-how between tradition and innovation

In the 19th century, the Ardèche had 2 major assets for an industrialist: valleys and rivers that were sources of hydraulic power and skilled labor. Everything Charles Murat needed to manufacture his jewelry sold in Paris. More than 150 years later, he has made emulators and the territory is now recognized as the cradle of this French manufacture federated under the brand " The valley of the jewel ".

The pioneer

In 1868, the founder of Bijoux Murat Paris set up his factory in the Boutières, a mountainous region in the eastern Massif Central already well-stocked with people who mastered the art of moulinage (the twisting of silk threads in the textile industry), whom he decided to train in jewelry making. At the same time, he relied on the energy produced by the Eyrieux River to manufacture necklaces and bracelets that he marketed until 1985.

When his factory closed, the Val'Eyrieux Community of Communes mobilized to prevent the disappearance of this precious heritage and attracted other companies that mastered the many skills necessary for the production of jewelry. In a totally made in France approach, the Ardèche is gradually bringing together creators (design and prototyping), manufacturers (molding, cutting, casting...) and repairers.

Today, with nearly 300 jobs (from the young craftsman to the industry through the family SME), this valley of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes represents the largest French basin of manufacture of the graceful accessories appreciated by both men and women.

A heritage still alive

In 2018, the former Murat factory building was transformed into a museum space open to the public and, with the same objective of transmitting knowledge to new generations, into a jewelry business incubator. Located in St-Martin-de-Valamas, this symbol of the region's industrial heritage is animated by various events such as exhibitions and visits.

During the summer period (July 4th to August 28th), it is possible to discover a typical 19th century workshop: around hundred-year-old machines, the working conditions of the time are reproduced and the guide retraces the history of the factory as well as the different techniques (chaining, stamping...) used at the end of the industrialization century. Demonstrations, exchanges with the actors, tastings, animations...: the visits combining sight, touch, smell and taste offer a beautiful immersion in the skin of a former worker.


In the incubator, a whole ecosystem is offered to artisanal jewelers: training, low-cost workshops, shared machines, exhibition spaces and even boutiques with, for each creator, a dedicated showcase allowing him to promote his production.

Among these jewelers, several now have their own brand of jewelry that you can find and support on the website of the Valley of Jewelry.

If you prefer to discover this precious know-how on the spot, go to the website of the Ardèche Hautes Vallées Tourist Office or contact him by phone (04 75 64 80 97) or email ( to book your guided tour.

Have a good discovery!

Valérie from Comme des Français



In the same theme of know-how to (re)discover


Credits photo : ©Ardèche Hautes Vallées / ©Rhéa - Marlène Chambert / ©Rachel Lopez -ValEyrieux