Lasagna. Originally from Bologna, this recipe alternating layers of pasta, cheese and meat in tomato sauce is a must. It must be said that, with vegetables alone or with fish, its different variants are all as delicious as each other.
Spaghetti Bolognese. We stay in the inspired city of Bologna and we keep the minced meat with tomato sauce for this dish featuring the most popular pasta: spaghetti from the region of Naples. Simple and often topped with a layer of grated parmesan, this recipe delights French people from 7 to 77 years old.
Tagliatelle à la carbonara. In its original Roman version, this traditional Italian dish did not include cream, onions or mushrooms. Today, this long pasta, larger than spaghetti, is usually served with lardons (or diced salmon), egg yolk and thick cream, which is particularly popular in the land of sauce dishes.