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The Lighthouse of the Whales, historical and... still in activity!

On the western tip of the Ile de Ré, the Lighthouse of Whales offers a breathtaking panorama on this land of Charente-Maritime and its surroundings: the salt marshes, the beach of the Conche, the wild coast and the forest of Rhone... Located next to a 1st construction of Vauban ordered by Colbert in the 17th century, this lighthouse still active is not to be missed!

A little bit of history

The French coastline has been shaped over several centuries by the installation of numerous lighthouses along its coasts, these majestic sentinels of the seas intended to guide ships and protect the land from outside invasion. It is in this defensive context that a 1st construction was built in 1669 in Saint-Clément-des-Baleines. At the request of Colbert, and as part of the deployment of the defensive system of the Rochefort arsenal, a watchtower made of ashlars was designed by Vauban. In 1854, as maritime traffic increased, a second construction was ordered by the Lighthouses and Beacons service: it is the current monument whose name is inspired by the relatively numerous whales that stranded at this place on the island of Ré at the time.

Still in operation, the Baleines lighthouse and its machine building (also dating from the 19th century) have been classified as historical monuments since 2012 and its 17th century predecessor (also classified in 1904) is now a museum on lighthouses and their history.

In the heart of one of the oldest lighthouses in France, you can discover the different construction methods through multimedia sequences, panels and objects that will fascinate both children and adults!

Some figures
If, with its 57 meters, the Baleines lighthouse is one of the highest of the French coast, it is also one of the most powerful with its 250 watt halogen lamps having a range of 27 miles (about 50 kms) on 360 °. In its 18 meters diameter, the monument integrates an impressive spiral staircase of 257 steps that does not dissuade the more than 160,000 visitors who climb it each year.

It must be said that once at the top, the effort is amply rewarded with the incredible view offered on the entire Rhaetian coast and on the old watchtower located 80 meters away. Please note: if at the time of its lighting in 1854, 2 Fresnel lenses powered by oil were used, the lighthouse has been operating since 1904 - and still does - with electricity.

To schedule your visit, go here.

Valerie from Comme des Français


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