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The gardens of the imagination

Thanks to different paintings, the gardens of the imagination evoke and tell the common history between man and nature from Roman times to the present day. A unique site in France and Europe, the gardens overlook the town of Terrasson-Lavilledieu, gateway to the Black Perigord.

13 evocative paintings

Imagined by the American architect Kathryn Gustafson, the gardens of the imagination invite you to take a real journey to the heart of the history of landscaping. Through 13 paintings, the visit of the 6 hectares of park allows us to discover all the uses that Man has been able to make of nature through the centuries, for his pleasure, his well-being and his survival. Each painting highlights one of the important elements of the art of the garden.

For example, the water garden insists on the way it has been used, controlled and magnified by human action. Water is evoked in its dynamic form through the installation of 120 jets that allow visitors to walk, play and refresh themselves, but also in its natural form through the presence of a wild waterfall. Blue, white and grey flowers are also present in this garden to recall the colours of the aquatic world.


In the painting entitled "the axis of the winds", giant weather vanes have been installed to show walkers the direction and noise of the wind, the study of its movement has always been essential to the proper domestication of nature and plants.

In total, more than :

  • 8,000 trees,
  • 2,500 box trees,
  • 2,000 rose bushes and nearly
  • 150 different plant species are found in this unique site in the Périgord that it is so pleasant to discover.

A unique tourist offer

Created in 1996, the gardens of the imagination are open every year from the beginning of April to the end of September. The 13 paintings-creations can only be discovered during a 1h15 guided tour. This gives you time to enjoy the landscapes and the exceptional panoramas that the gardens offer over the old town of Terrasson.

A contemporary garden on the list of remarkable gardens, this site stands out from its competitors in the Périgord, most of which carry a historical message. The sacred wood, the 60-metre-long plant tunnel, the topiary garden and the terraces will delight garden lovers and others alike, as the site is enchanting and conducive to daydreaming.

To plan your visit and learn more, it's here.

Bérengère for Comme des Français


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