This aperitif is savoured by respecting a sort of ceremony requiring special equipment: a "fountain" and a pierced spoon which is suspended on the glass, the absinthe is then poured over a sugar lump, as it dilutes drop by drop, it exhales its aromas, which are a lot like anise. Careful though, it has a very high alcohol content (from 40 to 90 °!) so that it should be diluted, 1 volume of absinthe in 7 volumes of water, otherwise you may have hallucinations.
If you want to check for yourself if Oscar Wilde was right, you can choose from one of these mythical cafés in Montmartre: La mascotte, La Bonne Franquette, Le Bon Bock, L'Entracte, Le Cadet de Gascogne or La Pomponnette. A guaranteed aromatic, savourous and historical dive into the artistic 19th century !
Valérie from Comme des Français