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The beret, emblem of France in the world

Formerly intended for men, the beret is invited in the female wardrobe in the 30s. It was at this time that this accessory became the emblem of French chic. Adopted by the greatest Parisian fashion designers and worn by many celebrities, it is now a key piece of the French wardrobe!

A long military tradition

Originally, the beret was part of the attire of the soldiers of Ancient Greece. It was then taken over by Basque and Scottish sailors. This French "origin" comes from an intervention of Napoleon III: when he went to Biarritz to supervise the construction of the palace that he had built for the Empress Eugenie, he noted the popularity of the beret in this region and then claimed that it was of Basque origin (which was false, but no one dared contradict the Emperor). This is how the expression "Basque beret" came to be and how it was attributed to France.

During the First World War, the beret was used by infantry soldiers in the French Alps as well as by paratroopers (red cap) or marine fusiliers (navy blue cap often incorporating a pompom). Then after the war, and even if it remains associated with the army with its adoption by the Foreign Legion, the French man's beret becomes a universal accessory worn by all civilians. It was because it was adopted by a large part of the population that the Resistance chose it as an element that allowed them to distinguish themselves while going unnoticed.

At the time of the Second World War, the beret was indeed the most common accessory in France. Later, the hat was adopted by the American special forces (who wore green or khaki berets) and by the Rangers (black version). The famous headgear is also found in revolutionary symbols since Che Guevara made it an emblem of the Cuban guerrilla.

Despite this long military tradition, today when we think of the beret, we immediately have this image of the Parisian painter with his sailor's jacket, his bread stick and his beige or brown felt cap. If this cliché is so famous, it is because this accessory is one of the rare pieces to have been so popular over such a long period.

Wearing a French beret, a fashion effect that never goes out of fashion

Indeed, for hundreds of years, headgear has been an accessory to the clothing style of women and men. Among the different types, quality men's berets have never been more popular. In fact they have always been around, it's just that they have evolved over time. Made from lighter, more modern fabrics and some with a few prints, these men's berets are not always easy to find.

To do this, two solutions are available to you.
The first is to go to the ready-to-wear stores. Although these are, for some, quite generalist, it is indeed possible to find quality berets for men in specialized physical stores. You can identify such stores on the internet and, once you have found the right address, you can go there to try them on.

The second solution, 100% online, will allow you not only to find other beautiful men's berets but also to compare the prices with the models that you will have been able to test on the field.

You will be able to dress as you wish without having to liquidate all your savings. In short, first go directly to a physical store to try on the beret that suits you and then head to an online store to potentially find the perfect model at the best price.

So, are you ready to proudly wear this now essential (and timeless) headgear?

Since it has been taken over by the greatest Parisian fashion designers, and worn by icons like Brigitte Bardot or, more recently, by international stars like Beyonce or Rihanna, this symbol of French chic in the world must indeed join your wardrobe without further delay.

Auxane from Comme des Français



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